🐱 Maine Coon Whiskers!
New article: Maine Coon whiskers are a distinctive feature! Between important facts and, caring for them, the purpose they serve, myths and more, there is actually a lot to know about them!
Maine Coon whiskers, or vibrissae, are fascinating structures with unique characteristics and functions. They play a natural and important role in their well-being.
They are essential sensory tools, highly sensitive, and a 'key ingredient' for a fulfilling life! Here are 40 interesting facts and statistics about them: ⬇️
We launched our Summer Album! ⬇️ Come meet Maxim, who is full of purr-sonality, and beautiful Nika, the playful family “supervisor”. ♡︎
Has your Coonie joined our albums yet? We would love to feature him or her 🐱 You can use the form here to come join and be featured in the next email!
That’s it for today! More to come as I continue to go through the site, writing new posts, updating old ones, and adding beautiful Coonies to our Albums! See you next time! 🐾